5 Expert Tips How Not to Lose your Keys

It’s always a dreaded feeling of reaching home and searching keys into the bag or pocket and realise that they’re not there. Losing or misplacing the keys can be remarkably stressful, especially to search or remember exactly where you may have put or lost them.

Electronic Door Locks

If you’re among those who constantly find it hard to keep the keys in a pocket or bag, then it’s the perfect time to get on top of it with the following tips.

Create a system in your home

When it comes to carrying keys without losing them, the best trick is to make it hard to lose them. It’s the best and easiest way to carry keys. To do this, you can design a place at your home for your keys and make a habit of placing them there whenever you get through the door. 

Make a Fix Place

To keep keys safe and avoid misplacement, you can make a hook right in front of the door or make a decorative bowl on the hallway table to place keys.

Fixing a place for your keys close to the door for quick and easy access but make sure they are only visible to those who need them. Remember that never place the keys in a visible area from your windows or the front door, so that no intruder can find them.

Use Key Tracking Device

If you’re someone who loses or misplaces keys quite often, then it’s well worth investing in key tracking devices. These devices could be very helpful for you to save your time on searching.

These devices are a nifty little gadget that attaches to your keys and you can easily track them with your smartphone. All you need to do is log onto the app and find the location of the keys whenever they misplaced or lost. 

Track Your Keys when out

It’s not always inside of the home you need to worry about of losing keys but also when you’re out. Whether you’ve lost them when paying for items or placed them on the seat next to you on the bus while you look for something in your pocket or bag could be incredibly anxious.

Apart from having an assigned place for your keys in your house, make sure you’ve another place for them while you’re out. 

Have An Extra Pocket

If you use carry keys in your bag or pocket, then having a secret pocket for your keys can be helpful. A small secret pocket in your bag or jeans will save your keys from loss.

If you don’t have any secret or separate pocket, then you can have clips as an alternative option to ensure your keys stay in their special spot.

Make Keys bigger

Carrying small keys can be difficult sometimes to manage because they could slip from a pocket or bag easily. To make them bigger helps you to spot even in a congested place. However, if you’ve already small keys then attach any broch or keychain with that.

Conclusion As technology grow so fast, now its time for you to follow the same and move to Electronic Door Locks. It’s not only given you an easy access of the lock but also make you stress free from the tension of loss or misplaced keys.

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