Is It True That Electronic Locks Are Safe?

Always locking armored and dark doors and having an alarm are certainly excellent measures to prevent theft and intrusions. But sometimes we forget to consider another important element: the lock. With a simple forcing, it can give free access to the thieves.

Do you regularly forget the key when you leave your home or office? Then that can be very frustrating. This is especially the case when no one else is present. In that case you have locked yourself out.

You have to wait for someone to come who does have a key. Do you want to fix this problem once and for all? Then electronic locks might be something for you.

These locks can simply be opened with a drop, card or code. A lot easier than opening doors every time with a key of course. Yet opinions about electronic locks are quite divided. This is mainly due to security. To clarify this, we answer the question whether electronic locks are safe or not.

An electronic door lock can make everyday work easier for property managers in particular. By replacing the metal key with an electronic door opener, access authorizations are granted without handing over the keys.

With a classic door lock with a metal key, there is a simple explanation of how to open it: with the key. If someone has the key, they can enter the house. The advantages of Digital Locks For Doors include variable security levels.

There isn’t just one way to open a door. With some systems, different door opener tools can be linked together. In addition to opening with a smartphone app, the user can use keypads with an access code, fingerprint readers or readers for codes by voice command.

Thus it is possible to check the access authorization in different ways. It is not only determined whether the user has the right tool in the form of a key or transponder, but also whether biometric features and the necessary knowledge using a pin code match.

Electronic locks are certainly safe

Briefly, we can say that Digital Locks For Doors are safe. Of course you want to know why this is the case. First, doors with electric locks almost always close by themselves. This is because there is a door closer.

This means you do not have to worry about uninvited guests in a building. After all, only people who have a drop, pass or code can open the door. For example, a door with an electronic lock cannot be opened with the popular break-in methods pinball and core pulling. Even with a crowbar, a burglar usually has no chance at this lock.

Always have locks installed by a locksmith

Electronic locks are not always safe. This is certainly the case if you decide to install the locks yourself. Installing electronic locks is not an easy task.

In addition to a lock in the door, the system must also be connected. It is important that the locks are connected correctly. Why? Because the lock will not work if installed incorrectly.

In that case, you will of course not keep unwanted guests out. Therefore, always have Digital Door Locks India installed by a professional.

Install Digital Door Locks To Ensure Security Of Your Premises

We know that when we talk about security we always want the best, and if it is the security of our home that we talk about, even more.

Unfortunately we live in a society where insecurity is a reality; every day we look for measures that allow us to increase the protection of our loved ones, our possessions and, clearly, our homes, which should be our sanctuary, our place of tranquility and the safest place to take refuge.

In this sense, technology offers a more reliable and less vulnerable solution to lock doors and protect what is ours, such as electronic devices known as digital locks.

digital door lock for hotels

A digital lock in addition to providing greater security, because it does not use a key that can be duplicated or forced, it also offers total comfort and functionality, since it is not necessary to carry the key everywhere, just place your fingerprint or pattern.

Automatic Door Locks have intrusion alarms when someone tries to open them with the wrong access. In case of entering an incorrect code, it is temporarily blocked, in this way, they provide greater security that translates into reliability.

Depending on the model, they can be classified as medium to high security locks, far exceeding the traditional locks that we already know. There are at least three types: digital locks, fingerprint locks and those that can be connected to a Smartphone via Bluetooth.

Connectivity has reached the security sector! Today’s smart security locks don’t just lock doors. Some allow you to create digital keys while others connect to your home’s smart home devices, allowing you to adjust the heating or lighting when you enter your home.

Locks are undoubtedly the weakest element of our property, as many people continue to use simple locks as security devices, knowing that these types of locks are preferred by criminals.

We must be aware that we must not only install digital door locks in our homes, but we must also install it in businesses, this type of property is that you need more security to avoid the intrusion of friends of others.

With the advent of the smart era, smart home products have begun to replace traditional home devices, and smart door locks are one of them. The door can be opened without a key, and the traditional key is replaced by a mobile phone.

Digital Door Locks India can indeed bring great convenience to people’s lives. However, as the number of smart door locks on the market continues to increase, in order to capture more consumers, smart door lock manufacturers are trying their best to promote their products at the same time.Nowadays, smart locks do not only appear on TVs, they are also commonly used in reality.

We know that you may not have the budget to buy one of those locks, but one should always consider spending a little more on a good security system to keep your family protected, and this is why we suggest you to turn to the experts of Magnum Telesystem.

Electronic Door Lock: Good Or Bad?

The electronic lock is right now one of the best security product that is experiencing the most demand by families who do not want to skimp on security, both domestic and professional.

The electronic lock is nothing more than an evolution of mechanics, the one we all know for having a cylinder, latch, latch, gears, etc. However, the difference is in its mechanism, which is no longer “mechanical” as such, but electronic.

This means that a key is no longer needed to operate the mechanism. Therefore, the great advantage of Digital Door Lock in India is the access control they provide: limited and highly secure, since they can only be activated by authorized persons that the system recognizes as suitable.

Innovations are advancing in home security. Between alarms, video surveillance systems, biometric sensors, fire detectors, automatic ignition systems, difficult to navigate! This is all the more difficult as new products arrive on the market.

But back to our sheep. What are smart lock and how worthy they are? Are they really the future replacements for our dear little keys? Will we ever manage to live without a key? That is not the question here.

What is the digital door lock?

This lock works on the same principle as a traditional lock. In fact, it allows you to open or lock a door via a smartphone via an app.

Access control systems and smart locks will make your home more secure. In fact, there is no question here of reinforcing the level of security of a place. On the other hand, a connected lock allows you to better control access to your door.

The latter can be locked or unlocked remotely whether you are at home or not. Of course, you can always use a key to open or close a door. Door connectivity can be handy, especially if you have a lot of traffic in your home.

Keep or replace your lock?

With smart locks, you can replace your door lock system. A big strong point because it does not involve changing the entire opening, between the lock and the door itself.

These models are specially designed to fit any door. The advantage of having a smart (or connected) lock allows you, at any time, to check whether your doors are properly locked. This is ideal in the morning, when you are going to work and are still half awake.

Digital Door Locks work with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. If Bluetooth is very vulnerable for security in general, you should therefore prefer to buy a connected lock that works in Wi-Fi with a secure code. You should also pay attention that this lock has certain security standards. It is important to secure your home against intrusions. However, is a digital door lock sufficiently secure against hacking, for example? By wanting to introduce “too much” technology into our daily lives, do we not risk getting lost in it? Or even to achieve the opposite result of the expected effect?

How to Know If You Actually Need a Digital Door Lock?

If you are responsible for an organization and consider the need to install an Access Control system, answering these 10 questions can help you make a decision:

Digital Door Locks

1-Do you have several locked doors?

2-Do you need these doors or some of them to remain closed during the working day?

3-Do your staff use keys to carry out their work?

4-Does your staff use different types of keys according to their work?

5-Do you have problems due to loss, copies or loan of keys?

6-Is it interesting to know who has entered, where and at what time?

7-Is it interesting to restrict the passage according to day, time or group?

8-Do you want to register unauthorized departures during business hours?

9-Do you want to locate the staff inside the building?

10- Do you want to register or receive notifications for passes or incorrect uses of the doors?

If your answers are affirmative only in the first 5 questions, it is likely that your solution is an Autonomous Access Control.

For what reasons is access control advisable?

It is important to involve the staff from the beginning of the reason for the implementation of an Access Control system. “An access control system allows the passage of Authorized persons” In this way, we avoid many of the incidents due to misuse or sabotage of the system.

Normally, the system is installed not for the “Control” but for the “Order” of the people who circulate within the organization.

The system controls each door for all possible cases of authorization or denial, displaying each event in real time and storing it for later analysis.

We can link the normal operation of the Access Control with other systems such as climate, alarms, CCTV, parking, elevators etc. allowing a better use of its functionalities.

We can use the file of each user to create a very complete updated database that can be used for other applications, even to control visits, becoming a perfect tool for the Security department or for the Evacuation Plan since the system indicates at each moment who is inside the building.

One of the arguments that are considered when considering an Access Control project, apart from a security solution, is the cost and how long it can be amortized.

Before implementing a system, it is necessary to reflect on the needs and cost of the investment. In technology matters, when the risks are unknown, it is very likely to end up leaning towards the price factor.

Example: In a medium or large organization where there is a significant number of controlled doors (between 16 to 200) and where staff pass through many of them daily, when using a mechanical key system it is necessary to decide whether we are going to use cylinders with master key or individual key.

In any of the decisions, the staff usually end up carrying a bunch of keys that they can forget or misplace. On the other hand, we are not certain that copies have not been made to other colleagues.

Dealing with the burglary problems at home- use smart digital locking system

The phenomenon of burglary mainly affects the empty houses. However, among the owners who have an empty home, the uncertainty of being able to end up encountering this problem is not uncommon, which, in any case, can be prevented by following certain recommendations.

Despite the fact that whoever occupies a home seeks to do so in an empty property, and usually owned by a bank, measures can be taken to prevent the entry of intruders both in an unused house and in the home itself, since there are all kinds of solutions, from the most traditional to those allowed by home automation.

smart digital locking system

Physical measures to prevent occupation

Physically preventing access to housing, or at least making it as difficult as possible, is the most effective way to avoid an occupation. In this sense, in the home there are two security elements that must be taken care of with special attention: the lock and the door.

With a drill, by breaking or removing the cylinders, with the bumping method or so. There are several techniques to open a conventional lock, and some of them do not require more than half a minute.

Having a Digital Door Lock in India is essential to prevent the most common form of access to other people’s homes, and for this it is advisable to select one that can withstand handling without opening, resistant to breakage and that is perfectly interlocked in the door.

There are also digital locks, which can be added as extra protection, which are locked and unlocked by remote control, by Bluetooth or through an app.

Motion sensors

They control and notify of the movement registered inside the house. There are, in addition, temperature, water or gas sensors, which offer security of another type, but also useful if you do not live in the house.

Surveillance cameras

They save the images in the cloud and also allow access to them through an application installed on the mobile.

Home automation to increase security

In the era of smart homes, there are multiple solutions that allow you to increase the security of your home, as well as know what is happening in the property and control access remotely. Smart locks, alarms, automatisms that simulate human presence.

Access control

Digital Door Locks keep the door closed by means of an electromagnet, which prevents it from being forced mechanically. It can be deactivated through an app, by Bluetooth, with a remote control, by means of a touch keyboard or biometric keyboard.

Human presence simulation

In a smart home, opening and closing the door locks at a certain time, turning the lights on and off or turning on the stereo is possible, even if we are hundreds of kilometers away.

With these mechanisms, the door is closed with a mechanical lock, which is safe and resistant to injury. Some more sophisticated ones allow the door to be kept sealed throughout the night or during the holidays by simply programming a closing time, which can be deactivated in case of an emergency.

Refresh Your Security When Changing Homes: Door Lock Replacement

Changing houses means renewing in every respect, even if it’s a laborious process. A new neighborhood is valuable as new neighbors will offer you fresh energies.

In addition to all this, when you replace the old one, you are refreshed for security. That’s why the first thing you do when you move to a new house is to start a door lock renovation.

Electronic Door Lock

The thought that those who lived there before you or the landlord might still have the keys to that house remains in the back of every newly moved person’s mind.

Therefore, it is always a top priority to deal with the issue of changing the lock and guarantee the safety of the house and those who will live in it. Of course, it is quite important to buy Door Handles and Locks that will provide maximum security when making this change.

In short, if you use safe Digital Locks for Doors, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the house you just moved into.

Stay Safe with Security Access Control System in India

As in all areas of life, certain security measures should be taken to ensure peace and comfort in living areas. Especially if you’ve moved to an environment you never knew about, you’d better start taking precautions from the door lock.

When the door closes, you can stay safe by choosing the key systems that are the best security element, such as digital door locks India, fingerprint door lock and sliding systems.

The range of locks produced from heavy compositions provides higher security by making it difficult for the door to be opened by malicious people. In short, it may be useful to take a look at state-of-the-art and high-security lock systems when implementing the idea of replacing your old door lock with a new one.

How to Replace Door Lock?

If you want to change the lock on your door before moving into your new home but don’t know ‘How to change the door lock?’. First you need to make a selection of door lock hubs suitable for the lock.

After selecting the appropriate hub, the next step is to unscrew the lock screw. If this screw is quite old and rusty, you can use the appropriate chemicals or oils in everyone’s home to easily disassemble and make your job easier.

When the screw disassembly is completed, the old lock and belly should be removed and the new door lock mechanism should be placed properly. After the lock of the outer door is changed, the doors of the rooms of the house can also be touched if necessary.

What to Consider When Choosing a Door Lock

Doors, which are the main points of our homes, are produced by using certain materials to offer long-term robustness and safety during the manufacturing phase.

Made from robust and durable materials such as stainless steel, brass, casting, nickel plating or galvanized sheet metal, it plays a big role in protecting our homes against malicious people.

In addition, it is possible to provide additional security in living areas by preferring not only the door lock, but also the sliding chain or additional keyhole applied on the lock part.

If you are thinking of changing locks for your new home, you can browse Magnum Security Access Control System in India and buy the products suitable for your pocket.

Digital Door Locks And ACS Secure Your Home And Make The World A Cleaner Place

In today’s world, it is very important to protect natural resources and minimize the use of harmful substances. So how can we balance this situation with our need to live and use resources? The answer lies in sustainability. Sustainability can be defined as not endangering the future prosperity of the world while keeping people living their lives at an optimum level today. Companies and products that offer sustainable options help make the world a better place, both for the present and for the future. This is the way to do business response today.

Digital Door Locks

Digital Door Locks India, highly functional door locking systems, and the design of these systems has been studied a lot. Magnum designs door locks with both people and the ecosystem in mind. In this way, it provides you with a useful solution for the world.

Keyless Single Solution

Digital Door Lock India offers a keyless solution with fingerprint, keypad and other digital options. But did you know that keyless door locks can help protect the environment as well as give you peace of mind?

Digital keys instantly generated by you through an app; saves you the material and energy you would normally spend on keys that are lost, mis-placed and need to be copied. Using fewer resources means a cleaner environment to live in.

Available Door Hardware

One of the most annoying parts of installing an automatic door lock is the cost and effort of improving the system. Whether it’s a biometric lock, akeyboard door lock or a standard electric door lock, homeowners may even have to buy a new door, door handle or hardware to use the new system in most models. Digital Locks for Doors lets you protect your existing doors, arms and equipment by installing a digital door lock instead of existing door hardware.

Card Door and Latest Technological System Features

The card access control system attracts attention with its easy installation as well as the maximum security it offers. The basic principle of operation is that the card given to the persons is recognized by the card reader. With this control system, which allows you to pass the cards defined in the Access control system, you will also be able to take advantage of the technology.

Security Access Control System in India is considered an indispensable product not only for homes or offices, but also for hotels.

Easy Operation with Access Control Systems

These products, which you can use without any limitations on the number of users, also offer you the ability to make guest cards.

  • With card door entry systems that offer excellent solutions for large businesses, you can also make your hotels and hostels more sheltered.
  • The most basic feature offered by technology is undoubtedly your easy use. Its software makes many products more accessible; it is possible to solve many problems faster.
  • Door lock systems also use the possibilities of technology to provide security control of large enterprises and make it easier for them to live their guests more safely.

Card door systems that maximize security basically consist of elements such as card reader, card switch panel system center control software

4 Reasons To Renovate The Door Of The House You Purchased

The doors, which connect all parts of the houses and separate them from the outside world, are also one of the important decoration tools. Both visually and with their functionality, it is possible for houses to become different and remarkable. When a new house is purchased, renovating the house door is more advantageous in many respects. A more sheltered household can be obtained with doors selected in terms of robustness, material quality and visual integrity and fully complying with these criteria. There are many reasons that give you an advantage when you make a permanent and costly choice of new doors.

electronic door lock

Here are four reasons why you should also renovate the doors with Electronic door locks and enjoy these benefits:

  1. Security

The doors, which carry the task of separating houses from the outside world, are mostly renewed by new homeowners. One of the main objectives of this is to keep security at a higher level. It may be more ideal to choose from doors where the number of locks is more and homeowners can have the opportunity to create an environment where they feel safer in terms of safety. Electronic Door Lock is one of the priority models that can be preferred in terms of renovation.

  • Aesthetic

After security, the factor that most homeowners consider is to get an aesthetic appearance. Although it is considered the outer door of the house, they are also part of the home decoration when they are generally looked at. Accordingly, it is an advantage to carry out door renovation in order to contribute to the decoration of the house. With the stylish and effective image obtained by renewing the door, the whole air of the house can change. While the basic decoration is preferred on the side of the door with a design in which it is designed, it can also be chosen in favour of the doors that will make a different emphasis.

  • Quality

While making a choice that will separate the space and the outside world from the new door models, quality is also highly cared for. The doors, which are important in terms of putting the living space in a better-quality form, change the entire aura of the house, but also provide a visually negligible quality. If the new model decided in the old door renovation process is same again, a higher quality product selection can be made on the part of user. In this way, without spoiling the existing décor of the house, a small touch and a difference makes a better election than before.

  • Durability

Another reason to renovate the exterior (main) or interior doors of houses is durability. After the existing wooden door renovation process, preferring a more durable option increases the security in the lively area. The preferred types of doors, both in terms of safety and durability, are also durable and high quality as a lock. Replacing door with fingerprint door lock is a robust solution, as it an improved choice in terms of sound transmission. This makes interior door renovation more important than thought. When you buy a new home, you can take advantage of these factors by taking your first step in favor of changing or refurbishing the doors.

The Big Benefits of a Smart Door Lock System

Everyday life of juggling and frequent outing is very hard to deal with. Add to that the concern about having the security for home. No more are the traditional padlocks going to cut it for a foolproof security plan for houses. You have to have digital door locks to ensure house security without any fuss. Let us look at the major advantages of having smart door lock system:

  1. More accessibility without compromising the security- House keys are often misplaced. To avoid tracking down keys or changing the locks when tenants move out, consider smart locks with keypads. The latest in design and technology door locks come with the function of opening the doors with your smartphone using Bluetooth technology. One can even assign people their own pass codes to monitor their entry and exit.
  2. Access from smartphones- Virtual keys give easy access to vacation rental guests, visiting relatives and aging family members. If you choose to get smart locks, you are at a greater advantage to control the home security remotely. The smart appliances are the way to go in terms of what they bring to the table for a robust security.
  3. Boost your connectivity- The best part of Digital Door Locks India is that they integrate smart locks into your home security system by downloading the app onto your in-home or mobile device. There is no need to fret in case any of your family members forget to lock the door at the time of exit as smart locks can activate the locking mechanism!
  4. Manage your property from across the country- You have the ability to check on your property without being there. Due to this feature your check-in and check-out process for guests and property managers gets much simplified. As long as you have data connection, the ease of access is second to none.

Keep Correct Record Of Visits With An Access Control System

Electronic security devices advance year after year through increasingly better modern innovations, with access controls being a fundamental tool to maintain an adequate organization of the company.

Electronic Door Lock

Similarly, the more careful the use of security devices in a company, the more productive and reliable it will be.

The choice of Door Access Control System with an app is becoming more and more self-evident for both companies and individuals. The advantage is that you do not have to give users any drops or passes. An access control system with app makes access safe and effortless to use.

Access control with an app?

At Magnum, they have a lot of experience with new ways of access control. An example of this is opening door locks using a smartphone. They want this to always be as safe and simple as possible.

Through access control with an app, they ensure that you will soon have even easier access to a business building or a home.

If you have your smartphone with you, you have everything you need to enter the building. Keys, tags or cards are a thing of the past. The access control app is proven and safe to use.

Experts go for smart security. Innovative applications that guarantee safety and simple solutions that fit into everyday life. Methods that ensure that you never have to think about where you left your keys.

With an access control app and Electronic Door Lock, you simply walk to the door and have direct access. Via this app you can also give others access to the same locks and it is possible to see who used the lock and when. For example, at a company it is immediately visible at what time employees have left.

Want to know more about the access control app?

With access control system with app, you will soon have more control than ever before over who has access and at what times. The app is an ideal solution for companies, hospitals or churches to easily let the right people in and keep unauthorized people out.

These systems are the best way to keep track of an employee’s working hours and location on a building.

The operation of companies, especially in the industrial field and production chains, is largely due to the provision and regulation of working hours.

For this reason, the implementation of access controls in a company will allow to maintain an adequate application and compliance with the schedules by the workers, preventing fraud or dishonest actions by the staff.

Likewise, access control devices allow only duly authorized employees to enter or leave the company.

Thus preventing any worker from trying to sneak in at an inappropriate time, such as, for example, during their vacations or in any situation, however it may seem unusual, but it happens many times.

If an unforeseen event should arise, loss of material or incident in the company’s facilities, the access control devices will make it possible to clarify the exact number of people who were within the company at the time of the incidence.

In addition, these devices help not only to analyse how many people are within a company, but also to identify them, and control the work area to which they are assigned.