Electronic Locks: Three Basic Questions To Choose The One That Best Meets Your Needs

The idea of ​​saying goodbye to the classic and obsolete lock teases you? Want to buy an innovative electronic lock? Well, but always remember the mantra of each purchase: how do I choose the type of electronic lock that best suits my needs? The following are the 3 basic questions that must necessarily be asked before purchasing an electronic lock. Making the right choice means making an informed choice taking into account above all those that are your real needs!

Question number 1: What are my safety requirements?

Given the choice of wanting to buy an electronic lock, the first thing to think about is the need for it. Will the electronic lock be installed for residential use or will it be used in the workplace? Obviously there are many differences between the two options: first of all it is necessary to evaluate the frequency of use, but also if the electronic lock is intended for installation on an internal or external door.

Question number 2: Should I go for an electronic or mechanical lock?

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Electronic locks for the most part run on battery power, but there are some that can also be connected to the building’s electrical network. A mechanical lock is ideal for an electronic lock installed in residential or hotel environments. The mechanical keyless locks with code allow to insert only one at a time, which is not a big problem for work situations with few employees. But if you need a system with more user code capabilities, you will have to opt for the choice of using an electronic lock. Locks with electronic lock are much more flexible as they allow you to program more codes for different users for different purposes.

Question number 3: Do I require remote access control system?

The locks that are operated through a biometric recognition system are extremely sophisticated. This unique type of electro-lock will be able to recognize the characteristics of an individual, such as fingerprints or even eye recognition. These locks are equipped with an optical and thermal scanner and are practically the most difficult to circumvent.

The ability to remotely control your electronic lock is an idea that excites everyone. But before choosing this purchase option, always ask yourself if you really need it. If you need the ability to lock and unlock your entrance doors via remote access, you will need to select a keyless lock that can do this with the remote control. Depending on the frequency of use, you can choose a remote controlled lock or you can register the lock without an electronic key in the home automation system and control it via a smartphone, tablet or PC that has an Internet connection.

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