Is It True That Electronic Locks Are Safe?

Always locking armored and dark doors and having an alarm are certainly excellent measures to prevent theft and intrusions. But sometimes we forget to consider another important element: the lock. With a simple forcing, it can give free access to the thieves.

Do you regularly forget the key when you leave your home or office? Then that can be very frustrating. This is especially the case when no one else is present. In that case you have locked yourself out.

You have to wait for someone to come who does have a key. Do you want to fix this problem once and for all? Then electronic locks might be something for you.

These locks can simply be opened with a drop, card or code. A lot easier than opening doors every time with a key of course. Yet opinions about electronic locks are quite divided. This is mainly due to security. To clarify this, we answer the question whether electronic locks are safe or not.

An electronic door lock can make everyday work easier for property managers in particular. By replacing the metal key with an electronic door opener, access authorizations are granted without handing over the keys.

With a classic door lock with a metal key, there is a simple explanation of how to open it: with the key. If someone has the key, they can enter the house. The advantages of Digital Locks For Doors include variable security levels.

There isn’t just one way to open a door. With some systems, different door opener tools can be linked together. In addition to opening with a smartphone app, the user can use keypads with an access code, fingerprint readers or readers for codes by voice command.

Thus it is possible to check the access authorization in different ways. It is not only determined whether the user has the right tool in the form of a key or transponder, but also whether biometric features and the necessary knowledge using a pin code match.

Electronic locks are certainly safe

Briefly, we can say that Digital Locks For Doors are safe. Of course you want to know why this is the case. First, doors with electric locks almost always close by themselves. This is because there is a door closer.

This means you do not have to worry about uninvited guests in a building. After all, only people who have a drop, pass or code can open the door. For example, a door with an electronic lock cannot be opened with the popular break-in methods pinball and core pulling. Even with a crowbar, a burglar usually has no chance at this lock.

Always have locks installed by a locksmith

Electronic locks are not always safe. This is certainly the case if you decide to install the locks yourself. Installing electronic locks is not an easy task.

In addition to a lock in the door, the system must also be connected. It is important that the locks are connected correctly. Why? Because the lock will not work if installed incorrectly.

In that case, you will of course not keep unwanted guests out. Therefore, always have Digital Door Locks India installed by a professional.

Digital Door Locks And ACS Secure Your Home And Make The World A Cleaner Place

In today’s world, it is very important to protect natural resources and minimize the use of harmful substances. So how can we balance this situation with our need to live and use resources? The answer lies in sustainability. Sustainability can be defined as not endangering the future prosperity of the world while keeping people living their lives at an optimum level today. Companies and products that offer sustainable options help make the world a better place, both for the present and for the future. This is the way to do business response today.

Digital Door Locks

Digital Door Locks India, highly functional door locking systems, and the design of these systems has been studied a lot. Magnum designs door locks with both people and the ecosystem in mind. In this way, it provides you with a useful solution for the world.

Keyless Single Solution

Digital Door Lock India offers a keyless solution with fingerprint, keypad and other digital options. But did you know that keyless door locks can help protect the environment as well as give you peace of mind?

Digital keys instantly generated by you through an app; saves you the material and energy you would normally spend on keys that are lost, mis-placed and need to be copied. Using fewer resources means a cleaner environment to live in.

Available Door Hardware

One of the most annoying parts of installing an automatic door lock is the cost and effort of improving the system. Whether it’s a biometric lock, akeyboard door lock or a standard electric door lock, homeowners may even have to buy a new door, door handle or hardware to use the new system in most models. Digital Locks for Doors lets you protect your existing doors, arms and equipment by installing a digital door lock instead of existing door hardware.

Card Door and Latest Technological System Features

The card access control system attracts attention with its easy installation as well as the maximum security it offers. The basic principle of operation is that the card given to the persons is recognized by the card reader. With this control system, which allows you to pass the cards defined in the Access control system, you will also be able to take advantage of the technology.

Security Access Control System in India is considered an indispensable product not only for homes or offices, but also for hotels.

Easy Operation with Access Control Systems

These products, which you can use without any limitations on the number of users, also offer you the ability to make guest cards.

  • With card door entry systems that offer excellent solutions for large businesses, you can also make your hotels and hostels more sheltered.
  • The most basic feature offered by technology is undoubtedly your easy use. Its software makes many products more accessible; it is possible to solve many problems faster.
  • Door lock systems also use the possibilities of technology to provide security control of large enterprises and make it easier for them to live their guests more safely.

Card door systems that maximize security basically consist of elements such as card reader, card switch panel system center control software

4 Reasons To Renovate The Door Of The House You Purchased

The doors, which connect all parts of the houses and separate them from the outside world, are also one of the important decoration tools. Both visually and with their functionality, it is possible for houses to become different and remarkable. When a new house is purchased, renovating the house door is more advantageous in many respects. A more sheltered household can be obtained with doors selected in terms of robustness, material quality and visual integrity and fully complying with these criteria. There are many reasons that give you an advantage when you make a permanent and costly choice of new doors.

electronic door lock

Here are four reasons why you should also renovate the doors with Electronic door locks and enjoy these benefits:

  1. Security

The doors, which carry the task of separating houses from the outside world, are mostly renewed by new homeowners. One of the main objectives of this is to keep security at a higher level. It may be more ideal to choose from doors where the number of locks is more and homeowners can have the opportunity to create an environment where they feel safer in terms of safety. Electronic Door Lock is one of the priority models that can be preferred in terms of renovation.

  • Aesthetic

After security, the factor that most homeowners consider is to get an aesthetic appearance. Although it is considered the outer door of the house, they are also part of the home decoration when they are generally looked at. Accordingly, it is an advantage to carry out door renovation in order to contribute to the decoration of the house. With the stylish and effective image obtained by renewing the door, the whole air of the house can change. While the basic decoration is preferred on the side of the door with a design in which it is designed, it can also be chosen in favour of the doors that will make a different emphasis.

  • Quality

While making a choice that will separate the space and the outside world from the new door models, quality is also highly cared for. The doors, which are important in terms of putting the living space in a better-quality form, change the entire aura of the house, but also provide a visually negligible quality. If the new model decided in the old door renovation process is same again, a higher quality product selection can be made on the part of user. In this way, without spoiling the existing décor of the house, a small touch and a difference makes a better election than before.

  • Durability

Another reason to renovate the exterior (main) or interior doors of houses is durability. After the existing wooden door renovation process, preferring a more durable option increases the security in the lively area. The preferred types of doors, both in terms of safety and durability, are also durable and high quality as a lock. Replacing door with fingerprint door lock is a robust solution, as it an improved choice in terms of sound transmission. This makes interior door renovation more important than thought. When you buy a new home, you can take advantage of these factors by taking your first step in favor of changing or refurbishing the doors.

How To Reinforce Access Control To Restricted Areas?

Many buildings, especially if they are companies or businesses, have areas where sensitive materials, high-value goods or fleets of vehicles are stored. That is why a special protection system must be implemented in these places. In this note we explain some ways to improve access control to restricted areas.

Digital Door Lock

Importance of a good access control system to restricted areas

First of all, you need to understand what a restricted area consists of. The most important characteristic of these spaces is that not everyone can access them. This means that, to obtain an entry authorization, it is necessary to have credentials or identification.

In fact, restricted areas are usually announced as such by special signage. On the other hand, they must incorporate security systems to keep the space protected against any intrusion attempt.

In this way, it is guaranteed that only authorized personnel enter the space. Among the main protection systems for restricted areas we find:

  • Access control systems
  • Security cameras
  • Alarm systems
  • Exterior motion sensors

At the same time, restricted areas should have other security mechanisms, such as reinforced locks and armored doors, and Digital Door Locks in India.

Why are there restricted areas in buildings?

There are many reasons to consider a specific area as restricted. It all depends on the type of installation, as well as the purpose that is given to it. Some examples may be the following:

  • Web server rooms.
  • Racks of electrical or computer installations.
  • Bank vaults.
  • Stock warehouses in establishments.
  • File and document areas.
  • Parking of business fleets.
  • Scientific laboratories.
  • Flammable substance deposits.
  • Distribution and logistics centres.

In any case, the restricted areas in buildings have several elements in common. The main one is that activities are carried out there that are not suitable for everyone, or that may represent a risk for people who are not directly involved.

Also in restricted areas can be found valuable assets that require special custody. Such is the case of banks with their vaults, or logistics companies with their loading and unloading yards.

How does an access control system work for restricted areas?

Among the electronic security devices most used today are access control systems and Digital Locks for Doors. These incorporate a verification board to detect who enters or leaves an area. Also at what time and on what date the movement was made and how long the person remained in place.

In the same way, these teams manage to differentiate between visitors, employees, inhabitants and other categories, depending on their configuration.

Usefulness of access control to restricted areas in the case of fleets

Regardless of the sector to which your company is dedicated, it needs an adequate space for the protection of valuable goods.

Generally, each company has one or more restricted areas, so this is a common issue. In addition, it is highly recommended to install an access control system in each space.

By knowing the most efficient ways to reinforce access control to restricted areas, we found that implementing an access monitoring system is one of the most widely used electronic solutions.

Of course, this equipment must be installed by qualified personnel. They can also be purchased from a technology provider with extensive experience in the market, such as Magnum.

Learn About The Benefits Of Access Control Systems In Your Premises

More and more companies and private individuals are opting for access control. It is often not desirable to give every visitor access to an office or business premises. A Door Access Control System is therefore perfect to solve this.

The benefits of access control

These are the main advantages of a good access control system:

  • Access control: You can determine exactly who can enter when
  • No costs when losing keys: Loss of keys no longer means that you have to replace all locks, you simply remove the access control cards and tags in the access control software
  • Ease of use for yourself, your customers and your employees
  • Less chance of internal fraud by staff and visitors

Access control

You can easily set who can enter and when, for example, that your administrative employees can only enter the building from Monday to Friday between 8:00 and 18:00.

Warehouse employees can only enter the warehouse, general areas and the canteen. And so you can set up an access group with different access rights for each group of employees.

No costs for loss of keys

When you can easily remove access control cards and tags, you need to be less careful about providing access to your staff. Where in your current policy you may not have given every employee a key, employees had to open the doors for each other.

Or maybe you had to do it yourself. This takes time and will not be too motivating for your staff. In this way, unsafe situations also arise.

It often happens that around the start and end of the working day, the doors are temporarily kept open by putting a block or other obstacle in between so that not everyone needs a key. Situations like this can be easily avoided by installing an access control system with an Electronic Door Lock.

User-friendly access control

A user-friendly access control system is characterized in such a way that the user barely notices that access control is used. In the past, to open a door, people had to open the door by means of the door handle.

The only difference with access control systems is that one now has to present a drop or pass before the lock can be opened. An important thing is that doors to common areas in walkways must be easy to use during office hours.

User-friendliness can be greatly increased by setting these doors in a way that they are freely accessible during office hours and automatically lock after office hours.

Less susceptible to fraud

In the explanation of the advantage in point 2, we already discussed how demotivated your staff become if they cannot independently enter the business premises or site.

With a good access system you are less on your guard because losing a card does not mean that the entire mechanical locking system has to be replaced or that you will have the annoying gut feeling of a missing key in the near future.

If everyone within the company immediately receives an access control drop on the first working day, this is enormously motivating. Your employees can now enter the business premises themselves within the frameworks you have set.

It is immediately clear to everyone that this is the only way to go through the building and that a log is made when a certain entrance door is opened.

Why Digital Door Locks Are Best?

In recent years we have been witnessing the ever increasing spread of smart locks: what is it about?

The smart locks are represented by all the different types of open electronic door, and are able to completely transform the security of any place that is important to us, opening the way to the abandonment of the traditional key.

There are now many different models of Electronic Door Locks in the market, and this makes them perfect and adaptable to any type of door and property.

Since this security system is fairly recent, many people are still reluctant to choose them, obviously wondering if and how safe they can be compared to their classic counterparts.

Image may contain: text that says "Magnum SAMSUNG Real Time Notification When Family Members Arrive Home Quick View & Out Activities One Touch Unlock Unlock With Smartphone Push Pull Door Handle Safe Unlock With Fingerprint SHP-DP728 SHP DIGITA!! DOCR .OCK"

That’s why in this article we will clarify all the key points on the installation and use of the electronic lock for armored door. Read it all the way and you will find out everything you need to know about this innovative product.

What is the electronic lock and how it works

The digital lock is a type of door opener mechanism that has been debating for several years. Not only the home security experts question this system, but also the consumers, who are increasingly informed and attentive.

The electric lock is able to open a window, an armored door or a remote gate: to do this, it uses an external device, generally a button integrated into the intercom, but also a keyboard, a remote control or a badge.

It is then the electric current (on average low voltage) to do the bulk of the work, making the lock open thanks to the impulse received.

The digital lock represents the future, thanks to its motorized piston system capable of operating automatically as soon as the door approaches the frame, with closing bolts that allow its motorized movement.

The actual functioning of the electric lock is practically identical to that of the classic lock, but in the first one an electromagnet is used to unlock the lock.

Intended use: where it is good to install the electronic lock

These innovative security systems are advantageous especially in apartment buildings , since when they are installed on the main door (and perhaps even in the apartments ) it is difficult for outsiders to access the building; in addition, tenants will be much more protected from unwelcome visits by thieves and attackers.

Not only that, the electronic locks protect against forgetfulness: many thefts occur precisely because of very secure armored doors that are not locked! With the Security Access Control System in India it will never happen again.

In addition, Digital Door Locks India are also useful in factories, especially in cases where workers operate in areas distant from the main door. In these situations, in fact, the employees do not have the possibility to continuously monitor all accesses, nor to run every 2 × 3 to open. This way, opening and closing the door will no longer be a problem or a waste of time.

Digital locks work together with the classic key or even without! In the latter case there is no longer the real danger of losing it, and there is no longer the risk of being closed out of the house (or inside) and thus having to contact the specialized staff to free the trapped people by breaking and changing the lock.

How To Ensure Home Security?

The imperative need to ensure the safety of our homes has led to the development of numerous systems and methods to prevent us from possible attacks. If we take a look at the market, we can observe a wide catalogue of mechanisms, such as high security locks for opening doors, video surveillance systems for the protection of the exterior and interior of the house, panic rooms for the security of tenants, etc.

However, criminals always find a way to circumvent part of security, taking advantage of user oversight or system failures. For this reason, it is always convenient to follow safety guidelines during our day to day, as well as to have the best solutions available in the market. In this sense, one of the most booming options in recent years are the anti-copy keys.

But how effective are the keys to this profile? Is it true that they cannot be copied? In the following article, we will try to solve these questions and provide you with the information you need to improve the safety of your door locks

The effectiveness of anti-copy keys

The first thing we have to tell you is that, currently, there is no key model that cannot be reproduced. However, security companies try to make the process necessary to copy a specific key model as difficult as possible. And is that the most demanded security mechanism, the Fingerprint Door Lock, is in turn, one of the most vulnerable.

The cause of this relationship is the ease that criminals have found to reproduce exact copies of the keys. Conventional key models, for example, can be taken to any specialized point to obtain an exact model to the original. In fact, this is one of the reasons why we always recommend changing the lock when we buy a second-hand home.

On the contrary, the anti-copy keys can only be reproduced by those places established by the manufacturer. To do this, we must deliver the relevant identification system that we receive when acquiring the keys, becoming the only person with the ability to request the repair of the lock or the copy of the mechanism.

You have to be cautious if you have a Digital Door Locks India like this

However, we must take extreme precautions if we have a key of this profile, since, if we lose the key and the identification system, the security of our home can be compromised. In this situation, we must contact the manufacturer immediately to receive advice.

As you can see, the anti-copy keys are a differentiating element for the security system of our home, which can complicate the work of thugs and grant us extra protection against possible attacks. However, they are not yet an infallible security element.

Are digital keys the future for home security?

Conventional keys still have a long way to go in terms of security, providing an excellent relationship between the quality of the mechanism and a suitable market price for any pocket. However, if it is true that alternatives are appearing on the market that, a priori, may seem more attractive, although at a much higher cost. This is the case of digital keys. An Automatic Door Lock can use an electronic means for opening a door, such as bringing an identification card to a sensor that sends the data to a computer system. As such, this system does not offer an infallible method of inviolability today.

Digital Lock: The Type Of Bolt For Booming Housing

In a society like the current, increasingly technological one, it was a matter of time for the locks of a lifetime to move towards new mechanisms and ways to protect our homes. The digital lock is a type of booming bolt that we can no longer only see in hotels or offices, but also in tourist homes and apartments.

The electronic lock or digital lock is currently one of the most powerful options in locksmith and increasingly demanded also as an option in private homes, not only in businesses and companies. It is a natural evolution of the lock of all the life that yes surrendered to the advances of the new technologies.

Types of digital locks

It should be noted that we are in a time of constant evolution and that these locks promise to continue evolving over time in the heat of the advancement of new technologies. So, sure, we will find very soon new locks and news in this regard.

Currently we can find three major types of electronic locks or Digital Door Lock in India.

Electronic code lock- Among the electronic locks are the most used and also the simplest. They have a “keyboard” where the user types a code to activate it, helping the door to open. Of course, the keyboard and the lock should not be physically

Electronic fingerprint lock– This lock makes use of a laser reader, what it does is scan the fingerprint and then actuate the mechanism. Of course, the person has had to register his fingerprint before he recognizes it.

Hybrid electronic lock- It is a mixture between the code lock and the fingerprint lock and can be operated by these two mechanisms. They are more expensive and also less common.

Advantages of digital locks

  • Resists blackouts- Many people believe that when working with electricity, digital locks stop working before power outages and no, this is not the case. Obviously they are designed and programmed so that, when this happens, the digital locks continue their operation without problem.
  • Safer than traditional ones- When operating on the basis of fingerprints and codes they are safer than traditional locks where skill is sufficient and especially the force factor of thieves to open the doors.
  • No need to carry keys- Another advantage of electronic locks is that we do not need to carry keys with us all the time, just remember our code, carry it pointed somewhere or register our fingerprint.
  • Resistant to weather fluctuations- In some homes or office buildings, these electronic locks are found outdoors, even without any shelter. In case of heavy rains or gusts of wind, the digital locks do not change and this does not affect its operation.
  • Home automation- Home automation is already quite common in many homes, or what is the same to operate different appliances, appliances and services from electronic devices, also our lock. Digital locks can be opened and controlled from the mobile phone itself, an advantage!

As we have pointed out previously, Digital Door Lock in India are a convenience in the management and access to the different tourist apartments.  They allow maximum security in access to them and also a convenience for all tourists who decide to stay in one of them, and who with a simple code can access whenever they want without needing to depend on one, sometimes, uncomfortable key.

Tips To Improve The Security Of Your Workplace

A global phenomenon, digital is invading people’s lives. Yet in many ways, we still depend on paper. The corporate world is no exception to this rule. All over the world, while we live in the digital age, businesses are bogged down in the difficulties associated with securing and processing printed documents.

The solution? Going digital.

To have an optimal level of security within a company, it is necessary to control access. Thus, only authorized persons will be able to enter the buildings thanks to a filtering system.

Advances in technology have developed several sophisticated devices, including the magnetic badge, to filter people who want to enter professional premises.4 Signs That Tell You It's Time to Change Your Access Control System

What are these systems and how do they work?

Wireless locks 

It is a Digital Lock for Doors where each user has a personal code which he must enter manually on a numeric keypad to enter a secure area.

The keyboard must be placed so that the user can enter his code discreetly. The functions of this type of lock can be adjusted remotely via a wireless connection (changes and updates to codes, etc.)

Biometric access control 

This very expensive technology uses fingerprint or iris recognition. The data is reliable and has an unlimited lifespan because biometrics can identify changes and evolution in the human body, despite the years. This technology, therefore, allows very high security. There is no need to renew the hardware, which represents a considerable saving for businesses.

RFID technology 

This system consists of a chip and an antenna and the information related to access control in companies is processed remotely by magnetic waves.

No manipulation is necessary because the data is read without needing to be in contact with the reader. The equipment is therefore not stressed, which guarantees increased longevity.

We will start by making it clear that the main aim of smart locks is to make things easier for you and a little safer to some extent. There are security benefits such as remote access to your property and doors that automatically close behind you, but digital door locks are based primarily on comfort.

Till now, no one has seen such an Electronic Door Lock that does not require maintenance after installation. And, probably, the best way to avoid getting your access control system getting repaired regularly you should redirect to specialists involved in the operation. Very often you have to face the fact that the installer and the operator are different companies. And it’s not that it’s good or bad. In my opinion, the psychology of the operator is very different from the installer. The operator’s goal is different – he evaluates his resources in a different way, looks differently at issues related to operating costs. And this is why you should consider the installation process sincerely.

4 Reasons Why Magnum Telesystem Electric Door Locks Are Ideal

It is time for you to live a more comfortable life without keys. In the following article we give you four reasons to modernize the entrance of your home.

  1. Comfort

The main objective of digital and electronic locks is to make your life easier without keys. Who has not gone through the tortuous situation of waiting for hours outside his home because he left or lost the keys! In some cases, we had to break the glass, ask the neighbour for permission to go through the yard or spend money on a locksmith service.

The digital locks provide access to their spaces with fingerprint, proximity card code, features that prevent any uncomfortable situations described above.

This digital product is focused on people who use technology. It is aimed at people who travel and cannot leave their keys, to people who are in another country and need someone to enter their home and that through a code can allow that access. People who do not like to carry keys in their pockets and prefer to enter their spaces with their fingerprint or from their cell phone.

digital door lock

  1. Security

At Magnum telesystem, we understand that house and apartment thefts are the order of the day, and new technologies take on an increasingly prominent role to help curb this trend. Our digital locks aim to use technology to provide greater security for people. In addition, with the digital locks- you are the key, since the opening methods we offer- footprint, code and proximity card- reduce the use of the key and therefore the possibility of a theft with a pick or master key.

  1. Access from anywhere

If you have a house or apartment, travel constantly, or have family and friends that appear frequently in your home when you are not, a digital lock can make your life easier. It will no longer be necessary to make several copies of your keys or leave them with your neighbour. You can generate several user codes or register the fingerprints of your family and friends so they can access your spaces.

  1. Styles for everyone

There is a wide variety of digital door lock models that adapt to the needs of each user, providing security, comfort and a stylish design. There are also digital locks that can be combined with elegant residential handles offering a touch of distinction at the main entrance of the users. These devices allow opening with code and fingerprint. With us, you will find the digital lock that fits your personality and that of your home.

In summary, it can be said that buying an electronic lock for our home or premises is a good choice. The price of smart locks is higher than that of another class of locks. Despite this, buying an electronic lock is a worthwhile security investment. Especially if we talk about the safety of ours or our business.