Effectiveness Of Smart And Digital Door Locks

The smart lock is an electronic lock that allows incredible functionalities. It is the lock that is undergoing the changes and its evolution allows raising the level of security to levels unknown until recently, avoiding, in a very high percentage, forced intrusions into homes.

Advantages of the smart lock

So, if you are thinking of buying a smart lock or you are going to turn your home into a smart home, these five advantages are going to interest you.

1) They are more secure locks. When you see a lock without mechanisms and without light bulbs, it is sometimes inevitable to think that they are more vulnerable than normal, however, this thought is completely wrong.

The truth is that the absence of light bulbs or cylinders means that the lock cannot be forced by the extraction or bumping technique, among others.

2) Configurable functions. It is almost impossible to imagine the possibilities that an Electronic Door Lock offers you when it comes to protecting your home. You can configure alarm sounds, activate the alarm itself or not, for example. You can even install more than one lock of this type in your home and control them all from the same mobile application.

3) Ease of installation. Forget spending long hours waiting for a locksmith to finish installing a traditional lock. A smart lock mainly consists of two pieces, one on the door frame and one on the end of the door that is to be joined with the frame. However, there are other variants with a knob, which we will see below in our recommendations.

4) High-end materials. Smart locks should be small vaults so that the chip and Bluetooth systems are not vulnerable to forced knocks. Some examples of materials used to make electronic or smart locks are nickel, brass, or steel.

5) Great autonomy. Almost all smart locks have an autonomy of around 12 months. This means that you will not have to change batteries every month. In addition, most of them incorporate a function that alerts the user that the battery is running low and that it needs to be replaced.

What do you think of these five questions? Surely there are many more advantages, such as its low price, the fact of not forgetting the keys again because now a simple smartphone is the control unit for the locks.

Even this type of device is applicable to any type of access (swinging, lifting, tilting, sectional doors and windows, etc.) and material (wood, aluminum, PVC, iron, stainless steel, etc.).

To correctly choose the security lock, the first step is to seek advice from a professional, to find out which is the most appropriate lock according to the type of business or property. There are different models of security lock, so it is important to choose the most recommended.

But it is essential to choose a good Electronic Door Lock, to protect either our home or workplace and prevent the entry of intruders.

Facial Recognition- The Best Option to Control Access

Typically, biometric entry and exit access systems use fingerprints, facial recognition, hand contour, iris identification, etc. The digital transformation and the development of artificial intelligence make it easier for companies to equip themselves and strengthen their security.

What are the challenges of biometric technology in 2020 and what are the other less invasive options concerning personal data?

Biometrics more and more used in companies

Facial Recognition Control Access

Biometric Digital Locks for Doors make it possible to measure elements specific to each individual such as the iris, fingerprints, etc. In business, this device offers the possibility of controlling access to premises and computers and allows an employee to be identified.

This system operates via terminal management software and when setting up the device, the company must record personnel data.

The main advantage of biometric Electronic Door Lock concerns security. Indeed, the identification of people and access control can limit certain concerns. In addition, functions such as clocking in are made easier and employee attendance monitoring is much easier. Also, there are no passwords to update.

However, one may wonder what regulations have been put in place regarding the processing of personal data. Indeed, biometric data is considered sensitive by the GDPR.

This identification system is intrusive and companies wishing to set it up must justify the need for such a device, control the storage of data and comply with the provisions of the regulations established concerning biometric control. If the demand of business leaders is not justified, they will have to opt for a less invasive system such as badges, for example.

Facial recognition biometrics is here to stay

This technology is increasingly implemented in the control of access and presence of employees

Not too long ago, when we were spectators of some science fiction movie and the protagonist accessed the control center through facial recognition, we thought that this technology was as far away as flying cars.

However, little by little terminals have been introduced to the market that have been surpassing themselves with their own updates and new versions, to the point of being able to affirm that facial recognition is a proven reality.

Among the main advantages of facial technology we find that it is a system whose speed and certainty in recognition astonishes, being able to differentiate even identical twins.

Weaknesses such as high or low luminosity, differences in facial hair or checking distance have been substantially improved in the latest versions of terminals, being able to work even in twilight.

We only have to take into account the use of glasses or a hat, which clearly differs from the pattern taken for the check.

Another differentiating point of this technology with respect to all contact types (fingerprint, vascular, etc.), is hygiene.

It will be enough to approach a few centimeters from the terminal (in some models up to half a meter) to be registered and proceed to the opening of the door, turnstile or any other control barrier to which it is connected.

The conclusion is clear, facial recognition is here to stay, it is already the preferred option for our latest customers and it will be increasingly common to find this type of terminal at the entrance to the office, or at the pedestrian access to the parking lot, or common areas of the neighborhood community.

Keep Correct Record Of Visits With An Access Control System

Electronic security devices advance year after year through increasingly better modern innovations, with access controls being a fundamental tool to maintain an adequate organization of the company.

Electronic Door Lock

Similarly, the more careful the use of security devices in a company, the more productive and reliable it will be.

The choice of Door Access Control System with an app is becoming more and more self-evident for both companies and individuals. The advantage is that you do not have to give users any drops or passes. An access control system with app makes access safe and effortless to use.

Access control with an app?

At Magnum, they have a lot of experience with new ways of access control. An example of this is opening door locks using a smartphone. They want this to always be as safe and simple as possible.

Through access control with an app, they ensure that you will soon have even easier access to a business building or a home.

If you have your smartphone with you, you have everything you need to enter the building. Keys, tags or cards are a thing of the past. The access control app is proven and safe to use.

Experts go for smart security. Innovative applications that guarantee safety and simple solutions that fit into everyday life. Methods that ensure that you never have to think about where you left your keys.

With an access control app and Electronic Door Lock, you simply walk to the door and have direct access. Via this app you can also give others access to the same locks and it is possible to see who used the lock and when. For example, at a company it is immediately visible at what time employees have left.

Want to know more about the access control app?

With access control system with app, you will soon have more control than ever before over who has access and at what times. The app is an ideal solution for companies, hospitals or churches to easily let the right people in and keep unauthorized people out.

These systems are the best way to keep track of an employee’s working hours and location on a building.

The operation of companies, especially in the industrial field and production chains, is largely due to the provision and regulation of working hours.

For this reason, the implementation of access controls in a company will allow to maintain an adequate application and compliance with the schedules by the workers, preventing fraud or dishonest actions by the staff.

Likewise, access control devices allow only duly authorized employees to enter or leave the company.

Thus preventing any worker from trying to sneak in at an inappropriate time, such as, for example, during their vacations or in any situation, however it may seem unusual, but it happens many times.

If an unforeseen event should arise, loss of material or incident in the company’s facilities, the access control devices will make it possible to clarify the exact number of people who were within the company at the time of the incidence.

In addition, these devices help not only to analyse how many people are within a company, but also to identify them, and control the work area to which they are assigned.

Learn About The Benefits Of Access Control Systems In Your Premises

More and more companies and private individuals are opting for access control. It is often not desirable to give every visitor access to an office or business premises. A Door Access Control System is therefore perfect to solve this.

The benefits of access control

These are the main advantages of a good access control system:

  • Access control: You can determine exactly who can enter when
  • No costs when losing keys: Loss of keys no longer means that you have to replace all locks, you simply remove the access control cards and tags in the access control software
  • Ease of use for yourself, your customers and your employees
  • Less chance of internal fraud by staff and visitors

Access control

You can easily set who can enter and when, for example, that your administrative employees can only enter the building from Monday to Friday between 8:00 and 18:00.

Warehouse employees can only enter the warehouse, general areas and the canteen. And so you can set up an access group with different access rights for each group of employees.

No costs for loss of keys

When you can easily remove access control cards and tags, you need to be less careful about providing access to your staff. Where in your current policy you may not have given every employee a key, employees had to open the doors for each other.

Or maybe you had to do it yourself. This takes time and will not be too motivating for your staff. In this way, unsafe situations also arise.

It often happens that around the start and end of the working day, the doors are temporarily kept open by putting a block or other obstacle in between so that not everyone needs a key. Situations like this can be easily avoided by installing an access control system with an Electronic Door Lock.

User-friendly access control

A user-friendly access control system is characterized in such a way that the user barely notices that access control is used. In the past, to open a door, people had to open the door by means of the door handle.

The only difference with access control systems is that one now has to present a drop or pass before the lock can be opened. An important thing is that doors to common areas in walkways must be easy to use during office hours.

User-friendliness can be greatly increased by setting these doors in a way that they are freely accessible during office hours and automatically lock after office hours.

Less susceptible to fraud

In the explanation of the advantage in point 2, we already discussed how demotivated your staff become if they cannot independently enter the business premises or site.

With a good access system you are less on your guard because losing a card does not mean that the entire mechanical locking system has to be replaced or that you will have the annoying gut feeling of a missing key in the near future.

If everyone within the company immediately receives an access control drop on the first working day, this is enormously motivating. Your employees can now enter the business premises themselves within the frameworks you have set.

It is immediately clear to everyone that this is the only way to go through the building and that a log is made when a certain entrance door is opened.

Difference Between An Electric And Electronic Lock

Today is the day to talk about a device that provides comfort and security for you and your home: the electronic lock. Before they were only found in hotels and companies, today these locks are replacing traditional locks also in homes.

This is because the electronic lock eliminates the use of keys and also enhances security against theft. Amidst so many models with different technologies and features, we will show you in this article how to choose the ideal electronic lock for your home.

The electronic lock has already overcome environments such as hotels and large companies and now it reaches homes and apartments.

By dispensing with the use of keys and guaranteeing greater security with the use of technology, this device has evolved and today there are several models.

Magnum Tele System

In this article we will show you what you should take into account to ensure that you are buying the most suitable digital lock for your day to day. The operating system, the installation mode and the additional functions are criteria to take into account.

As violence increases, we need to protect ourselves even at home. Knowing this, digital lock manufacturers have invested in technology products so you can strengthen security in your home.

For you to choose the Digital Door Lock in India that guarantees practicality and security, it is necessary to go beyond the brand and price of the device. There are factors in addition to the device that interfere with its functionality.

Common in hotels and entrances of tenants and companies, this device reaches the door of the houses and replaces traditional locks. And the reason is simple: more safety and practicality.

Since the electronic lock does not require the use of keys, now there is no longer a worry of forgetting the keys or the open door.

The fact is, most digital lock models have an automatic door lock system. And this is just one of the features that enhance security.

The great benefit of the electronic lock is that it has advanced systems that make entry difficult for strangers. Not to mention that this type of equipment still serves to control visitor access, whether at home or at your workplace.


If you have decided to change the traditional lock for the digital lock, you should not confuse between two devices available on the market, which look alike, but have important differences.

We are dealing here with electronic and electric locks. In fact, both devices have the function of keeping the door closed more securely. However, they differ in terms of the mode of operation and its functionality.

An electric lock works by means of a control, with a single button that activates the opening of the door or gate. In general, the opening is activated remotely.

This type of lock is widely used in condominiums and buildings, which require identification before entry is released. For having a simpler functional system, the electric lock is usually cheaper.

The Electronic Door Lock, as we have seen, uses more advanced operating systems, either through passwords, cards or fingerprints.

Therefore, opening the door requires proximity, unlike the electric lock that does it from a distance. Plus, through additional protection features, the digital lock does more than just open and close the door.

Wary Of Electronic Locks? All The Answers To Your Questions

We have already seen what electronic doors are and how they work in a previous article, published just on the eve of the month, on the occasion of the arrival of the new models of armoured doors with electronic lock.

In this circumstance, however, we want to share with you some useful considerations, aware of the general scepticism that still hovers around this type of product. Many users, in fact, continue to show a certain diffidence towards electronic locks and continue to orient themselves – either by choice, or by fear – towards more consolidated and traditional models.

We, therefore, have reviewed the most frequently asked questions, common places and major concerns, trying to give concrete and exhaustive answers to the most frequent dilemmas.

– First of all, what is the added value of an electronic lock?

The advantages of an electronic lock are decidedly many. In fact, it is possible to control access and check the flow of people; limit access to some users only in certain time slots; eliminate the use of the key (you no longer have to look for the keys in your pockets or purse); use other opening tools, such as the alphanumeric keypad, mobile phone, fingerprint or – even – credit card!

– If the power goes out, will I stay out of the house?

Keep calm. Although these Automatic Door Locks are connected to the electrical system (from which they are powered), in fact, they are in any case equipped with a ” buffer battery “, a sort of emergency battery which is activated in the event of a system anomaly or in the absence of current.

– What if technology plays tricks on me?

As we know, the lock is the weak point (or, better, the most delicate one) of any armoured door. One of the advantages of the electronic door is that it does not have any slots. However, for those who do not really want to abandon traditional methods or prefer a progressive change, it is possible to combine the “intelligent” solution with even the most classic mechanical lock.

Samsung Electronic Door Locks

– Is data transmission secure?

The electronic doors that use wireless technology (and therefore require the support of a mobile phone or any other portable device) work, unlike those with an alphanumeric keypad – via an encrypted communication.

In this regard, many of you continue to wonder whether this data transmission over the air is safe or not, since, by now, even thieves and criminals seem to be increasingly “qualified”. Obviously, the higher the quality of the electronic lock, the more complex the cryptographic key used will be.

To make you understand what we are talking about, suffice it to say that if all the computers in the world were operating simultaneously and at maximum power, it would take thousands of years to decipher the code; taking into account the fact that such an “effort” would require such an energy that, however, it would be difficult to provide.

But that’s not all, because the app uses a random “session key “valid only for that specific transmission. In this way, communication between the device and the Electronic Door Lock is always protected and secure.

We close this brief discussion with the hope of having been useful both to our customers and to our readers, always remaining available for any advice or clarification on the matter. As we always like to say, in fact, our door – whether electronic or not – is always open.

Scopes Of Application Of Electronic Door Locks

Electronic door locks have become an integral part of our lives. They allow you to forget the problems associated with handing over keys to relatives or guests from another city, restrict access to private premises or set up access control in an office building, as well as optimize the work of an administrator in a hotel.

One of the problems that is relevant for modernity is the preservation of material or personal values. Previously, it was easily resolved using a conventional padlock or mortise lock. However, today such funds are not enough.

Modern electronic locks are much more convenient and efficient than their mechanical counterparts. You can unlock such a lock with a simple key, and in a more convenient way. As the detector unlocking the electronic lock, a magnetic card, a barcode, a fingerprint or an alphanumeric code entered from the keyboard can be used.

In the case of an RFID key card, the lock operates on the principle of a FRID reader. By type of actuator, electronic door locks are electromechanical or electromagnetic.

The principle of operation of the electromagnetic lock is based, as the name implies, on the system of magnetization of metal surfaces located on the door and on the shutter body built into the door frame. Such a small device has a fairly high retention force.

Samsung Digital Door Locks

For an ordinary door, this figure is 350 kg, while for an armoured door, more powerful models with a retention force of about half a ton are used.

The electronic locks are especially widely used in access control systems. They are used at various enterprises, in offices, in warehouses, etc. The possibilities offered by devices of this type are much wider than with a conventional mortise lock.

With their help, you can perform a number of accounting operations. In addition to the function of unlocking and locking doors, electronic locks allow, for example, to keep track of working hours. When an employee applies an RFID tag for unlocking, the system receives a door open signal, it records the time a particular employee arrived at the enterprise and the time he left.

Electromechanical locks look like an ordinary door lock. They are mortise or overhead. However, in order to open such a lock, voltage is required that comes from external control devices, such as a card reader, intercom, skud controller, etc.

The main feature of electromechanical locks is the electronic bolt control system. As practice has shown, in the scarcity of enterprises where a large number of people go, it is preferable to use electromagnetic models of locks.

The scope of these devices is very large. The sensor, which serves to open the electronic lock, can fulfil other roles. For example, in entertainment and sports facilities, a key card or electronic bracelet serves as an entrance ticket, as well as a key to a personal locker, and an electronic means of payment.

Digital Door Locks for hotels are much demanded today. They allow you to keep a separate record of the movements of staff: maids, technicians and other employees. At the same time, guests can enjoy the increased comfort that modern technologies provide.

Recommendation For Electronic Locks

The choice of the electronic lock will depend on the place where the lock is to be mounted and the type of door.

To facilitate the process, we recommend the following suggestions:

  1. Doubt, electronic bowlers. 

The most installed electronic locks are electronic bowlers. These have a format similar to any common cylinder or bulb, designed to be compatible with most mechanical locks installed in the security doors of homes and businesses.

When Digital Locks for Doorswork by electronic key, the key entry is special and they are designed to work with proximity cards, electronic keys or proximity keychains. On the outside face, they have a kind of knob, which governs the system before the actions of opening and closing, as well as programming and changing batteries.

  1. If you install electronic hotel-type locks, you can take advantage of the current mechanical lock.

This electronic hotel-type lock can work by means of a proximity card or digital keypad and, at times, allows you to take advantage of the installed mechanical lock, provided that the wheelbase (key and handle input) is compatible. Otherwise, the change of the main lock must be contemplated.

  1. Do not install invisible electronic locks in companies.

These locks are installed on puttings and it is usual to find them in homes. We will rarely find them in businesses or companies. They work through remote control, APP or manually from inside the house. It is the only electronic lock not recommended for installation in a company.

Electronic Door Lock

  1. Install motorized electronic locks to increase security in your home.  

As a general rule, they are electric motorized locks that have an electronic system (digital keypad, proximity reader, remote control, proximity keychain or APP) which gives an impulse to perform the opening.

The best thing about these motorized locks is that they allow you to program them so that once the door is slammed, it automatically closes completely by turning the necessary key turns. This provides a lot of security by discarding that, by default, the lock is not completely closed.

Its greater security has caused that for a while this part we find ourselves to a greater extent electric locks instead of opening electric doors in neighbouring communities.

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Electronic locks, an opportunity to increase comfort and security

This type of Electronic Door Lock provides a lot of comfort and security to the people who install them in their homes and businesses. They are devices that have a simple operation and that guarantee to the users that use them in their day to day a great comfort.

In addition, they provide great peace of mind, since they are very safe.

They avoid having to change the lock for the loss of keys and prevent thieves from carrying out techniques such as bumping. In addition, they allow better control of the access of different individuals to housing or business, among other advantages. Each door has a specific electronic lock, so you will surely find the one that best suits your needs.

What Are Electronic Locks, All Types And How They Make Your House Secure?

The electronic locks have a ratio of advantages over disadvantages quite positive. We all like to feel safe when we leave our property in the hands of a tenant, or when we are in our own home. For this we will first highlight the security. It is true that nothing is 100% safe, but it is a reality that the security offered by an electronic lock is superior to that offered by a mechanical lock.

These prevent the picking and bumping (insert a manipulated key into the lock cylinder and knock to move the pistons). Not having mechanical keys prevents them from being copied, in addition to being able to control each entry and exit of guests. It is important to specify the existence of hybrid locks, that is, locks that combine the functionalities of electronic and conventional ones.

Who has not happened to find it annoying to have to carry keys or have difficulties to open a door manually? The use of keys is something that can become tedious after trying these access methods.

Electronic locks in India according to the type of property

Due to the large number of existing electronic lock types, some are better suited to the needs of each consumer depending on the property or establishment available.

a) Tourist Apartments:

Nowadays, the use of mechanical locks and keys is very common in rental apartments. But given the danger of making copies of them or their possible loss, it is increasingly common to find electronic locks.

The entrance by means of a pin or the use of your smartphone to access the house are the most common, mainly due to the ease of these methods to reprogram passwords and to configure access. Innovating and trying to adapt your home to current needs can increase the income of your holiday home.

Electronic Locks In India

If you are a Co-hosting customer, you will know the importance of good service for guests.

b) Hotel and Hostel:

Virtually all hotels have an electronic lock, the star being an access card that is inserted into the relevant reader. The use of a numerical pin is also extended, including the combination of both methods.

c) House:

The invisible lock is the most requested for family homes. The convenience of opening the door remotely, as mentioned above, or the difficulty in locating it in case of theft is something that consumer’s value very much. It is usually combined with a traditional lock.

d) Neighbourhood Communities:

Normally in most buildings, the doors are equipped with mechanical locks that can be opened by electric gatekeepers. Electronic locks were only used in high-standing buildings, but their use is increasingly widespread in lower-end buildings.

The use of electronic keys, numerical code and proximity keychain are the most used methods. In luxury buildings it is not uncommon to see electronic locks based on the use of biometrics, mainly fingerprint and to a lesser extent a retina and iris reader.

e) Garages:

In this case the use of remote control is essential, so it would be ideal that allows opening with this method.

f) Companies:

Here it is very ambiguous, so you should rethink the level of security you want in your company and the type that it is. With the information in the article you must discern which one best suits your needs.

Differences Between Electronic Lock And Access Control

An electronic lock is an electromechanical system that allows the opening or closing of a door through the use of current. Its degree of security will depend on the closure system chosen and its opening method.

Technological advances have reached this area with encrypted coding systems such as the AES/128 of the American ASN, which increase their security.

Main types of electronic lock

As for their types, the most common are electromagnetic, which have magnets and coils, and thanks to having a mechanical safety system that can be opened more easily in case of emergency. When installing them, the door frame must have a device with an electromagnet, and a metal foil must be placed on the other side so that the current flows through the magnet and, upon receiving electricity, the door is opened.

Reversible models can be used in armored and sheet metal doors, both interior and exterior, and those with an electric bolt with intern are more suitable for wood and metal doors. Some locks have a monitor, magnetic switch, door closing system, and even an alarm that activates when the input to which it is connected is not completely secured, as an extra security element. The electric latch are used primarily for internal access and can operate with direct or alternating current. The two basic configurations of an electronic lock are:

Standard: the lock is locked until the coil is activated by electric current. That is, the electric lock remains closed.

Reverse: the lock is unlocked until the coil is activated. The lock is normally open.Electronic Door Lock

What is an access control system?

Being the Electronic Door Lock an essential element in an access control system, by itself, it does not perform this control except in some of its models and always for a limited level both in time and in the people to whom those few models allow to have of a numerical code.

This is due to the fact that the function of a lock evolves in the electric ones, achieving greater security and offering the comfort of being able to handle them from a distance, but its objective is not the professional access control but to avoid the trouble of losing a physical key when it can be opened through codes, proximity cards, electronic keys, biometric systems, remote control or mobile application.

The electronic lock is an essential functional part of access controls, which are the devices that give the order to open doors because they are connected to it. Only an electric lock can receive the impulse transmitted by the access control to open remotely to authorized persons or vehicles. But access control is the entire system that, in an automated way, allows to effectively approve or deny the passage of people or vehicles to restricted areas based on the security parameters established by a company, commerce, institution, or any other entity.

Fingerprint Access Control Systems also make it possible to keep an automated record of the movements of an individual or group within a given space.