Effectiveness Of Smart And Digital Door Locks

The smart lock is an electronic lock that allows incredible functionalities. It is the lock that is undergoing the changes and its evolution allows raising the level of security to levels unknown until recently, avoiding, in a very high percentage, forced intrusions into homes.

Advantages of the smart lock

So, if you are thinking of buying a smart lock or you are going to turn your home into a smart home, these five advantages are going to interest you.

1) They are more secure locks. When you see a lock without mechanisms and without light bulbs, it is sometimes inevitable to think that they are more vulnerable than normal, however, this thought is completely wrong.

The truth is that the absence of light bulbs or cylinders means that the lock cannot be forced by the extraction or bumping technique, among others.

2) Configurable functions. It is almost impossible to imagine the possibilities that an Electronic Door Lock offers you when it comes to protecting your home. You can configure alarm sounds, activate the alarm itself or not, for example. You can even install more than one lock of this type in your home and control them all from the same mobile application.

3) Ease of installation. Forget spending long hours waiting for a locksmith to finish installing a traditional lock. A smart lock mainly consists of two pieces, one on the door frame and one on the end of the door that is to be joined with the frame. However, there are other variants with a knob, which we will see below in our recommendations.

4) High-end materials. Smart locks should be small vaults so that the chip and Bluetooth systems are not vulnerable to forced knocks. Some examples of materials used to make electronic or smart locks are nickel, brass, or steel.

5) Great autonomy. Almost all smart locks have an autonomy of around 12 months. This means that you will not have to change batteries every month. In addition, most of them incorporate a function that alerts the user that the battery is running low and that it needs to be replaced.

What do you think of these five questions? Surely there are many more advantages, such as its low price, the fact of not forgetting the keys again because now a simple smartphone is the control unit for the locks.

Even this type of device is applicable to any type of access (swinging, lifting, tilting, sectional doors and windows, etc.) and material (wood, aluminum, PVC, iron, stainless steel, etc.).

To correctly choose the security lock, the first step is to seek advice from a professional, to find out which is the most appropriate lock according to the type of business or property. There are different models of security lock, so it is important to choose the most recommended.

But it is essential to choose a good Electronic Door Lock, to protect either our home or workplace and prevent the entry of intruders.

Keep Correct Record Of Visits With An Access Control System

Electronic security devices advance year after year through increasingly better modern innovations, with access controls being a fundamental tool to maintain an adequate organization of the company.

Electronic Door Lock

Similarly, the more careful the use of security devices in a company, the more productive and reliable it will be.

The choice of Door Access Control System with an app is becoming more and more self-evident for both companies and individuals. The advantage is that you do not have to give users any drops or passes. An access control system with app makes access safe and effortless to use.

Access control with an app?

At Magnum, they have a lot of experience with new ways of access control. An example of this is opening door locks using a smartphone. They want this to always be as safe and simple as possible.

Through access control with an app, they ensure that you will soon have even easier access to a business building or a home.

If you have your smartphone with you, you have everything you need to enter the building. Keys, tags or cards are a thing of the past. The access control app is proven and safe to use.

Experts go for smart security. Innovative applications that guarantee safety and simple solutions that fit into everyday life. Methods that ensure that you never have to think about where you left your keys.

With an access control app and Electronic Door Lock, you simply walk to the door and have direct access. Via this app you can also give others access to the same locks and it is possible to see who used the lock and when. For example, at a company it is immediately visible at what time employees have left.

Want to know more about the access control app?

With access control system with app, you will soon have more control than ever before over who has access and at what times. The app is an ideal solution for companies, hospitals or churches to easily let the right people in and keep unauthorized people out.

These systems are the best way to keep track of an employee’s working hours and location on a building.

The operation of companies, especially in the industrial field and production chains, is largely due to the provision and regulation of working hours.

For this reason, the implementation of access controls in a company will allow to maintain an adequate application and compliance with the schedules by the workers, preventing fraud or dishonest actions by the staff.

Likewise, access control devices allow only duly authorized employees to enter or leave the company.

Thus preventing any worker from trying to sneak in at an inappropriate time, such as, for example, during their vacations or in any situation, however it may seem unusual, but it happens many times.

If an unforeseen event should arise, loss of material or incident in the company’s facilities, the access control devices will make it possible to clarify the exact number of people who were within the company at the time of the incidence.

In addition, these devices help not only to analyse how many people are within a company, but also to identify them, and control the work area to which they are assigned.