What You Need To Know In Order Not To Be Mistaken When Choosing An ACS?

Each access control and management system has several elements: readers, control panel, controllers, as well as various electronic passes – these can be cards or tokens that have their own identification number. ACS may allow or, on the contrary, prohibit user access to the premises – it depends on the settings.

It should be noted that each system has a certain threshold that limits the number of users. This is an important aspect when choosing an ACS, in this case it is necessary to calculate whether any changes are planned at the enterprise in the future that will require the introduction of a larger number of keys. If you do not think about this issue in advance, it may happen that you have to purchase a new system, which, incidentally, does not apply to the cheapest equipment.

But to buy a system that has increased resources is also not worth it if this is not clearly necessary. The ideal option is to purchase an ACS, which can be upgraded by installing additional modules. By purchasing a flexible access control system, you can save a lot. Be sure to ask the seller what features you may encounter when upgrading the system – how long it can take, how much it will cost, etc.Electronic Door lock

Now pay attention to the type of ACS, there are only two categories of systems – stand-alone and network. In the first case, buying a Digital Door Lock India will cost you inexpensively, it is easy to use, but its disadvantage is that it does not produce reports, it cannot be controlled remotely. In the second case, a computer is needed for all system components to work, most often such equipment is installed at large facilities. Such systems do not have the disadvantages of autonomous ACS, but their cost is slightly higher.

A lot of things can change over the ten years of the functioning of ACS. Therefore, you need to think in advance how the system will work for you all this time. Only long-term planning can inspire confidence that the level of security to be laid will meet the organization’s requirements and give maximum return on investment today and in the long term. For long-term planning, special attention should be paid to the following points:

Access cards

Does your company work on a flexible schedule or in shifts? If so, then your colleagues are likely to work in several places, in different work areas, and different combinations. Access cards, in this case, may be the best solution. Using them, your employees will have easy access to all the required places, which for you means a significant saving in time for managing access keys. In addition, thanks to access cards, you can always identify and check who, where and when you visited.

New and promising technologies

Does everyone want to work and live in self-governing and energy-efficient buildings? The concept of increasing the number of “smart homes” to achieve this goal implies a close relationship between ACS and building management systems. But for effective joint functioning, both systems must be based on open technologies and industry standards. Be sure to consider this when buying your Security Access Control System in India.

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