Advice For Homeowners On Building A Home Security System

Inspiration in a new house or apartment is always a pleasant and joyful event. However, in order not to overshadow the pleasure of living in a new home, it is necessary to equip it according to the principle “my house is my fortress.”

Own security and the serene existence of all family members is unthinkable without the creation of reliable protection of the home and property.

The market of Digital Door Locks India offers a wide range of devices for ensuring safety, and the development of technologies and a progressive concept for the implementation of the Internet of Things provide new opportunities for communication, notification and interaction of house owners among themselves, as well as with security and police structures.

What are the priorities for the owner to solve the problem of creating a reliable home security system without errors and special problems? The right decision would be to contact security experts who professionally assess the vulnerability of the home and install the necessary equipment.

The required number and types of CCTV cameras will be precisely determined and the places of their best installation will be selected. The owner himself is able to take some immediate security measures.Digital-Door-Locks (1)

Entrance Doors and Locks

First of all, you need to make sure the strength of the door leaf and door frame. Then replace the locks, giving preference to “smart” Digital Door Locks in India with remote control.

The electric lock eliminates worries about keys and makes it possible to open doors at a distance via a smartphone for both family members and trusted people. If necessary, the front door can be remotely blocked by the owner.

It is not bad if the entrance to the house is controlled by a door surveillance camera or video intercom. Do not neglect the deadbolts equipped with one or more crossbars with manual or electric drive.

A long steel rod goes deep into the door frame, which makes it harder to crack mechanically than an electronic locking device.


Most of the criminal penetration of houses and apartments occurs through windows. Therefore, increased attention must be paid to the reliability of locking window fittings, especially on the windows of the first floors located not far from the ground.

Windows should not only be securely locked from outside penetration, but also easily opened from the inside, in case residents have to leave the house in case of fire.

The level of protection and the installation of linear, vibrational and acoustic type sensors on the window panes will increase, and magnetic opening sensors will warn that the window has been forcibly opened or left unclosed due to the carelessness of the owners.

Relations with neighbors

Good neighborly relations with the owners of nearby houses and apartments will serve as the basis for mutual assistance in the event of dangerous situations. It’s a good idea to organize a collaborative security community.

Moreover, modern technologies make it possible to create a reliable public system for protecting people and homes. The involvement of specialized security services in this task will not be superfluous.

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