It is seen that the installation of a biometric access control is simple although there are people specially equipped for manual work and others who, no matter how clear the instructions that come with a device, always finish the Sunday morning dedicated to its assembly with a screw of less or more in hand wondering why that does not work if all the steps of the “quick” guide have been followed, several YouTube tutorials paint it quite feasible, but for the less Skilled, companies specialized in these systems recommend technicians and also advise by telephone those who decide to install them on their own.
Normally, an access control (or access and assistance) will arrive with these components:
- Downloadable software
- Power cable
- Installation and internet connection cables.
Biometric device (reader and programmer) with a USB port so that they can be exported to the computer application that provides the software with its records.
Magnetic plate connected to the biometric reader (which is disconnected 5 seconds to give access to the authorized person)
The kit can also include, depending on the systems, an exit button that, connected to the system, is pressed from inside the enclosure and opens the door.
It really is not very difficult, once the system is installed, to register a person. You are credited with a code, you are asked to apply the fingerprint three times, and it is given to “enter.” For facial recognition, it is also done to look three times in a quadrant of the screen and then give “enter.”
Once that person is registered, the access control and biometric assistance include him in his database, and he can now enter and leave without mishaps.
In addition, in the case of assistance controls, the registration of this person will allow you to save your time of entry and exit to the premises, and the incidents that each system provides according to its software.
Biometric access control is imposed by its reliability
All Security Access Control Systems in India measures and identifies some characteristics of the person, such as fingerprints, iris recognition, hand geometry, visual recognition, and other techniques. Biometric measurement is currently considered as the ideal method of human identification, and the most used in Access controls and assistance are fingerprints and facial recognition. The secret of its success is in its scientifically proven reliability. We see cases of fingerprint and facial recognition.
Fingerprint: The pattern that follows the lines and grooves of a footprint can be classified according to three major features: bow, loop, and spiral. Each finger has at least one of these characteristics. On the other hand, at certain points, the fingerprint lines are cut sharply or branched off. These points are called “minutiae,” and together, they account for almost 80% of the unique elements of a footprint. All this results in a unique complex pattern for each individual, different even in identical twins. It is estimated that the probability that two people have the same fingerprints is 1 in 64,000 million.
Facial recognition: Facial recognition systems are able to distinguish between the background and the face. The Door Access Control Systems makes use of the peaks, valleys, and contours within a face (the so-called “hard points” of the face) and treats them as nodes that can be measured and compared against those stored in the system database.