For Which Situations Are Electronic Access Systems Suitable?

An access control system ensures security, manageability and ease of use in your premises. It enables authorized access to (certain parts of) the building and keeps unwanted visitors away from the building.

For optimized throughput and efficient visitor registration. Three important factors play a role in access control: person, location and risk analysis. Who has access to which locations and what is the level of security? The software grants users authorized and controlled access.

There are several situations to name for when an electronic access system is suitable. Below you will find an overview.

Office: Don’t feel like having keys made or worrying about burglary if employees lose keys? Electronic access systems enable good access control for your business premises.

As an administrator you can set who has access to which room when. If your employee loses a tag or telephone, access is easily disabled.

At home: Private use of Door Access Control Systems is increasing. Children playing outside no longer need a key, but can always enter by means of a finger scan.

Guest house: do you have a hotel? If yes, then you can easily give your guests access to the apartment by using an electronic access system in combination with a code panel.

You simply set a time period in which the code is active and you communicate this code to your guests. Actually handing over a key is no longer necessary.

Until not long ago, access control systems were used mainly in business and industry. However, they are increasingly used in areas ranging from event organization to public administrations.

Security Access Control Systems in India are a tool that guarantees safety within buildings and enclosures and allows keeping a count and history of entries and exits. This can be very useful in an emergency or as a mere control system.

Probably one of its main benefits is the possibility of limiting access for people and/or vehicles to restricted areas. It allows you to configure profiles that will determine who can access, the days, what hours and the zones to which they will have access.

The installation of an access control system prevents untrained or authorized personnel from entering sensitive or dangerous areas. As entry is restricted and there is a record of entries and exits, the possibility of incidents of damage and theft is reduced.

The access control system allows you to control more than one entrance, with card readers for example, and receive real-time information on the capacity inside. This is a great advantage for security personnel at mass events for example.

Thanks to the monitoring and follow-up carried out by the access control, it is possible to know the exact number of people who are inside the facilities at all times.

In this way, emergency teams can work more efficiently since they have the possibility of knowing how many people are still to evacuate.

The installation of an access control system in a company has many advantages. Today’s business world not only wants to be competitive in the products and services that a company offers, but also in the quality of the technologies it applies.

Compliment Your House By Installing Access Control Systems

Electronic access systems can be operated without a physical key. Smart technology in the electronic access system ensures that the electronic lock communicates with, for example, an app via the telephone, a remote control, finger scan, a pin code, drop or a tag.

The extensive possibilities and differences in price and function make electronic access systems attractive for both office and home use.


How do electronic access systems work?

Very nice and handy such an electronic access system, but how does it work exactly? You can read that below.

Smartphone app: No more keys in your pocket, just your phone. With a few simple actions you can operate the electronic door lock. You install the app belonging to the door lock on your smartphone.

After installation you can operate the lock via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. When using Bluetooth, the distance at which you can open the door lock is limited.

With Wi-Fi you can open the lock from almost anywhere. The management of the digital keys and authorization also takes place via the app. This makes the app one of the most used and easy ways of access control.

Finger scan: Keep your key always with you. Your unique fingerprint is recognized by the scanner. If identification is successful, the door opens. The Fingerprint Access Control Systems meet biometric security requirements and have been developed under strict guidelines to prevent abuse and manipulation.

Costs can be saved because no more passes, tags or other aids are needed to open the door. In addition, the finger scan is particularly suitable for children.

Remote control: You can open your lock within your electronic entry system at the touch of a button. The range of this remote control is limited.

RFID device: An electronic door lock with RFID technology can be opened simply by holding the tag or drop against the lock. For issued tag, the administrator determine to which doors access is granted. Multiple keys are replaced by 1 drop.

Pin code: With a code panel next to the door you get access by entering your personal code. Just like with the finger scan, you do not need a medium in the form of a key, telephone or drop to open a smart door lock with a code. You cannot accidentally leave it at home.

You open the door lock with the app on the phone while you are in your warm car and then walk straight in with your heavy shopping.

Everyone with a tag, the app or the pin code has access to the house. It also gives you an overview of who has been home when. So even when you are at work, you know whether your partner or children are at home.

The choice for an electronic access system

As you have already read, Security Access Control Systems in India offer a lot of possibilities. Adjust these options to your personal preference, the situation for which you want to use the electronic access system and the price.

In addition, pay attention to the ease of use of your electric door lock and the extent to which the manufacturer has built up experience, or a name, with these electronic access systems. You should take a look at the vast range of electronic access systems provided byMagnum.

Biometric Technology: When The Human Body Is The Password

New technologies grow rapidly and day by day simplify things more, in order to make life easier for people. Biometric technology is a set of methods and techniques used to authenticate or verify the identity of a person, based on physical characteristics that an individual has in common with another.

You can use biometrics, because each individual is unique. It should be clarified that any physical feature of the human body does not serve to use it as a biometric measure. It is necessary that it satisfactorily fulfills the following characteristics:

  1. Universality: All individuals must have this characteristic.
  2. Particularity: This trait must be able to sufficiently distinguish some individuals from others.
  3. Permanence: It should not vary or vary little, as you develop as adults.
  4. Collectibles: There must be methods and technologies with which the user can capture and measure these traits.
  5. Good performance: Available technologies must achieve high speed rates to perform comparison calculations.
  6. Acceptability: Users should consider that these methods are not intrusive or harmful.
  7. Resistance to fraud and any type of usurpation by malicious users.

Biometrics have great advantages over other authentication systems, such as the use of cards, passwords or bracelets, since it is more comfortable, because it is something you are wearing and for this reason, it cannot be lost or forgotten. It has no maintenance or renewal costs and is extremely difficult to falsify or impersonate a person’s biometric identity.

fingerprint access control system in india

The types of data or physical characteristics stored by a biometric authentication system are:

Fingerprint Access Control System: works by recognizing the fingerprint of one of the fingers of the hand. The automated fingerprint identification system has a 99.9% security rating.

– Authentication by vascular biometry: read the pattern of the veins of the hands. The most reliable and safest technology in the field of hand biometrics is the one that consists of a scanner that captures an image of the dithering of the veins of the palm through the reflection of short frequency waves (very similar to infrared).

– Facial recognition: facial biometrics recognition is a technology that requires very specific conditions, especially light, so its performance may be affected by circumstances beyond people’s control.

– Iris scanning: this system is technologically very safe but it is currently also a rather expensive technique. It is usually used to protect rooms that require a high security index.

Currently, Door Access Control System has allowed the authentication and identification processes to be perfected, so that there are countless applications and purposes, especially those related to security and privacy issues, a sector in which it provides more benefits, especially for companies.

Despite the fact that its use has not yet become widespread, the application of biometric technology in companies brings multiple benefits, such as, the reduction of maintenance costs in authentication systems, since everything is digitized; streamlining the processes of entry and exit of people; Increase in the efficiency of time control and greater simplicity in remote procedures.

In conclusion, it is clear that Security Access Control System in India is the future and that it is a reliable, robust, easy to use authentication system and, above all, it provides the highest levels of security. It is not by chance that the companies that are using this technology the most in their processes are banks.

How To Install A Biometric Access Control?

It is seen that the installation of a biometric access control is simple although there are people specially equipped for manual work and others who, no matter how clear the instructions that come with a device, always finish the Sunday morning dedicated to its assembly with a screw of less or more in hand wondering why that does not work if all the steps of the “quick” guide have been followed, several YouTube tutorials paint it quite feasible, but for the less Skilled, companies specialized in these systems recommend technicians and also advise by telephone those who decide to install them on their own.

Normally, an access control (or access and assistance) will arrive with these components:

  • Downloadable software
  • Power cable
  • Installation and internet connection cables.

Biometric device (reader and programmer) with a USB port so that they can be exported to the computer application that provides the software with its records.

Magnetic plate connected to the biometric reader (which is disconnected 5 seconds to give access to the authorized person)

The kit can also include, depending on the systems, an exit button that, connected to the system, is pressed from inside the enclosure and opens the door.

It really is not very difficult, once the system is installed, to register a person. You are credited with a code, you are asked to apply the fingerprint three times, and it is given to “enter.” For facial recognition, it is also done to look three times in a quadrant of the screen and then give “enter.”

Once that person is registered, the access control and biometric assistance include him in his database, and he can now enter and leave without mishaps.

In addition, in the case of assistance controls, the registration of this person will allow you to save your time of entry and exit to the premises, and the incidents that each system provides according to its software.Security Access Control Systems in India

Biometric access control is imposed by its reliability

All Security Access Control Systems in India measures and identifies some characteristics of the person, such as fingerprints, iris recognition, hand geometry, visual recognition, and other techniques. Biometric measurement is currently considered as the ideal method of human identification, and the most used in Access controls and assistance are fingerprints and facial recognition. The secret of its success is in its scientifically proven reliability. We see cases of fingerprint and facial recognition.

Fingerprint: The pattern that follows the lines and grooves of a footprint can be classified according to three major features: bow, loop, and spiral. Each finger has at least one of these characteristics. On the other hand, at certain points, the fingerprint lines are cut sharply or branched off. These points are called “minutiae,” and together, they account for almost 80% of the unique elements of a footprint. All this results in a unique complex pattern for each individual, different even in identical twins. It is estimated that the probability that two people have the same fingerprints is 1 in 64,000 million.

Facial recognition: Facial recognition systems are able to distinguish between the background and the face. The Door Access Control Systems  makes use of the peaks, valleys, and contours within a face (the so-called “hard points” of the face) and treats them as nodes that can be measured and compared against those stored in the system database.